Would You Stop And Help This Girl? How These People React Will Shock You!!

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1 in 4 women will be a victim of domestic violence in their lifetime: In this social experiment we take a look at how people react when they witness violence against women. Do they stop? Do they carry on and ignore the violence?

Most people would say they would stop someone abusing their partner in public, but when it comes down to it, very few people would actually get involved. 

Most of the passers-by just look at them, or worst, they'll just ignore them as if they saw nothing

but, there are still some who stepped up and tried to help

courageous enough to interfere and ease out the situation

even a group did a hostile approach

Yes, there are some who tried to help, but, majority of the passers-by just ignored what is happening as if they haven't seen the situation. Let's face the reality that the majority of you probably wouldn't have stepped in, either. This "social experiment" reminds us to take actions when needed. Try to watch the video below to understand more.

It's easy to say how wrong it is that no one stopped to help, but if you were in that situation, what would you do? Would you stop violence against women? Or will you be just like the majority..


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