TRAGIC: Teen Dies After Breaking His Neck From Ice Bucket Challenge!

Last week, 17-year-old Sergio Cardozo of Mississippi was nominated for this challenge. Instead of financially giving to charity, he set off to his backyard, helmet and all, to complete the Ice Bucket Challenge with his two friends. His friends stood above with a giant bucket of ice ready to help Sergio fulfill the challenge.

Tragically, the bucket slipped out of his hand crashing onto Sergio’s head. He was rushed to the University of Mississippi Medical Center in critical condition. He later succumbed to his injuries. Sergio’s family is hoping that this video will raise awareness of the risks involved in participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge. The family is encouraging people to send in their tax deductible donation to ALS, rather than complete the challenge. They are currently in the process of setting up a fund in his name.

source: dailybuzzlive

World's Scariest Selfie Video Recorded, This Will Surely Give You Thrills

 Three young teens from Hong Kong took all the guts and courage to climb the 5fth tallest tower in Hong Kong without any safety gears just to take a selfie video.

This crazy yet amazing video you are about to see below was uploaded by Frank Wu on Youtube entitled "Crazy Selfie From Hong Kong Skyscraper" has already garnered 900k+ views as of this posting. This video has been recently dubbed as "the world's scariest selfie" according to the New York Daily Pedia

The video shows Daniel Lau is holding a monopod with a wide-angle fish eye lens camera that captures the stunning skyline of Hong Kong. Also seen on the video are two of his friends eating bananas while enjoying the view at the start of the video.

Ken Block takes Gymkhana to the next level with Boobkhana

Ken Block was in Japan recently for his "Ken Block Nagoya Experience" event courtesy of his energy drink sponsor Monster Energy. As a matter of fact, the beverage's Philippine distributor, Crystalite Distribution, even ran a contest in February that awarded three lucky winners the chance to join FHM Philippines cover girl Ellen Adarna in a meet-and-greet in Japan with the famed race/stunt car driver.

Check out the Boobkhana video below. With a title like Boobkhana! Part 1, we can only assume there will be a sequel in the future.

Photo from Ken Block's Facebook page


She Photographed Herself Everyday For A Year. The End Is Shocking!

You might wanna think that this is just one of the many videos where someone takes a photo of themselves everyday in a year just for fun. But, in the end prt of the video, I realized that it was something much different.

Warning: This video contains graphic and shocking material at the end. The video is from the Croatian government addressing a very real concern. After you watch the video, you will note she is holding a sign. The translation is "Help me, I do not know if I can wait until tomorrow."

The World Is Full of Anonymous Heroes. These Photos Will Surely Melt Your Heart!

We can never deny the fact that the world today is full of negative vibes. But one thing we can never deny, the fact that there are still millions if not billions of people who are trying so hard to make this world a better place to live. So if you need an inspiration, a role model on how to make this world a better place, check out this 15 photos which proves that there is still faith in humanity.

1.) Good Guy Marine

2. Two Guys saving a cat

3.) Caring Protesters

4.) This Firefighter Who Saves The Cat From Being Burned

5.) The Love For Animals

6.) Saving The Koala from dehydration

7.) The homeless man

8.) random act of kindness

9.) Risking his own life to save a baby deer from drowning

10.) Animal Savior from china

11.) This man's geniune love

12.) Great Job Soldiers

13.) A gift from a stranger

14.) Meet Dobri Dobrev

15.) Heroic man saving a rabbit's life

16.) A salute to the employee of Wendy's

Share this to others if you find this inspiring. A simple sharing helps create more of this kind.

Would You Stop And Help This Girl? How These People React Will Shock You!!

1 in 4 women will be a victim of domestic violence in their lifetime: In this social experiment we take a look at how people react when they witness violence against women. Do they stop? Do they carry on and ignore the violence?

Most people would say they would stop someone abusing their partner in public, but when it comes down to it, very few people would actually get involved. 

Most of the passers-by just look at them, or worst, they'll just ignore them as if they saw nothing

but, there are still some who stepped up and tried to help

courageous enough to interfere and ease out the situation

even a group did a hostile approach

Yes, there are some who tried to help, but, majority of the passers-by just ignored what is happening as if they haven't seen the situation. Let's face the reality that the majority of you probably wouldn't have stepped in, either. This "social experiment" reminds us to take actions when needed. Try to watch the video below to understand more.

It's easy to say how wrong it is that no one stopped to help, but if you were in that situation, what would you do? Would you stop violence against women? Or will you be just like the majority..


TaTa Tops Alternative to the #FreeTheNipple Movement!

Head to a beach this summer and you might see a bunch of women walking around with their nipples on show. But, before you drop your ice-cream cone on the floor and gawk, know that all may not be as it first seems.

While men are free to walk shirtless as they please, being topless if you're a woman is illegal in some American states.

With that in mind the bizarrely realistic garment has been created in order to tackle the lack of gender equality when it comes to bearing all.

For the complete write-up regarding this TaTa Top bikinis and #FreeTheNipples movement, head on to this news by

Man Swims With The Crocodile...What Happen Next Will Amaze You

Amazing documentary about a man named Chito who swims and plays with a croc named Pocho. Unbelievably, the crocodile appears to enjoy spending time with him.

Chito lives in the jungle with his wife and their young Daughter. Apart from his family, they have an extended member of the family named Pocho who lives in the wild. See how a man was able to swim with his great friend crocodile into the lake without getting any harm. See the full documentary of The Man Who Swims with the Crocodile.

10 Creepy Japanese Urban Legends...#1 #9 and #10 Are The Creepiest..!!

Some say that Japan is a creepy place. Some say it isn't. Whatever you may say, we know that Japanese people has its share of some horrifying urban legends. We will share to you below 10 of the creepiest Japanese urban legends you would not want to read during midnight.

1. Kuchisake Onna
Kuchisake Onna means "the woman with a split face". She is a woman who was mutilated by her husband, and returns as a malicious spirit. According to the legend, children walking alone at night may encounter a woman wearing a surgical mask, which is not an unusual sight in Japan as people wear them to protect others from their colds or sickness.

The woman will stop the child and ask, "Am I pretty?" If the child answers no, the child is killed with a pair of scissors which the woman carries. If the child answers yes, the woman pulls away the mask, revealing that her mouth is slit from ear to ear, and asks "How about now?" If the child answers no, he/she will be cut in half. If the child answers yes, then she will slit his/her mouth like hers. It is impossible to run away from her, as she will simply reappear in front of the victim.
source: Wikipedia

2. Okiko Doll
The Okiku doll has resided at the Mannenji temple in the town of Iwamizawa (Hokkaido prefecture) since 1938. According to the temple, the traditional doll initially had short cropped hair, but over time it has grown to about 25 centimeters (10 in) long, down to the doll’s knees. Although the hair is periodically trimmed, it reportedly keeps growing back.

It is said that the doll was originally purchased in 1918 by a 17-year-old boy named Eikichi Suzuki while visiting Sapporo for a marine exhibition. He bought the doll on Tanuki-koji, Sapporo’s famous shopping street, as a souvenir for his 2-year-old sister, Okiku. The young girl loved the doll and played with it every day, but the following year, she died suddenly of a cold. The family placed the doll in the household altar and prayed to it every day in memory of Okiku.Some time later, they noticed the hair had started to grow. This was seen as a sign that the girl’s restless spirit had taken refuge in the doll. In 1938, the Suzuki family moved to Sakhalin, and they placed the doll in the care of Mannenji temple, where it has remained ever since.

Nobody has ever been able to fully explain why the doll’s hair continues to grow. However, one scientific examination of the doll supposedly concluded that the hair is indeed that of a young child.

3. Teke Teke

The Teke Teke (also known as Tek-Tek) is a Japanese urban legend about the ghost of a young woman, or school girl, who fell on a rail way line and was cut in half by the oncoming train. Now a vengeful spirit, she carries a scythe or a saw and travels on either her hand or elbows, her dragging upper torso making a scratching or 'teke teke' sound. If she encounters anyone at night and the victim is not fast enough, she will slice them in half at the torso, mimicking her own disfigurement.
source: Wikipedia

4. Tomino's Hell
This is popular Japanese story is about a poem called "Tomino's Hell." They say that you should only read with your mind, and never out loud. If you were to read it out loud, then you must take responsibility for your actions. "Tomino's Hell" is written by Yomota Inuhiko in a book called "The Heart is Like a Rolling Stone", And was included in Saizo Yaso's 27th collection of poems in 1919. It's not sure how this rumor started, but there's only a warning that "If you read this poem out loud, tragic things will happen." It just looks like a curse. It asks to not compare this with the common "You'll grow taller" or even "My parents died." Do you get a sense of how dangerous this is?

5. Inunaki Village
Inunaki Village is a mysterious village that is completely isolated from other villages and even from the country itself. It is not sure such village exists but some people say so. There is a pannel at the entrance of the village that says "the laws constitution of Japan does not applies here" People in this village are told to live in an extremely weird way. Incest, cannibalism or murder is very common. For some reason, you cannot use your phone or any other electronic devices. There are old shops and payphones in the village but you cannot call anybody. Many people went to this village but no one came back.

6. Aka Manto
Aka Manto (Red Cape) is a Japanese urban legend about a malicious spirit who haunts public and school toilets, who will ask you if you want red paper or blue paper. In some versions, he will ask you if you want a red or blue cape. Often described as a beautiful man in life and hounded constantly by admirers, he now wears a mask to hide his face.

If you are sitting on the toilet (usually the last stall), a mysterious voice will ask you if you want red paper or blue paper. If you answer red paper, you will be sliced apart until your clothes are stained red. If you choose blue paper, you will be strangled until your face turns blue. Any attempt to outsmart Aka Manto by asking for a different color will result in you being dragged to the Netherworld. The only correct answer is to say no paper and he will leave you alone.
source: Wikipedia

7. Cow Head
Cow head is a Japanese urban legend about a fictional story called 'Cow Head'. Supposedly the Cow Head story is so horrifying that people who read or hear it are overcome with fear so great that they tremble violently for days on end until they die. One variation involves a teacher who tells a bored group of school children the story, resulting in both children and teacher becoming catatonic and losing their memory. Other variations include the detail that no one is able to retell the story since they die after hearing it. The Cow Head story was rumored to be an unpublished piece from sci-fi writer Sakyo Komatsu, but there is no evidence to link the author to the legend. A Ukrainian folktale called Cow's Head does exist, about a woman who receives good fortune by offering food and shelter to a disembodied cow's head that visits her one night, as well as a 2003 film called Gozu, directed by Takashi Miike, neither of which are linked to the urban legend.
source: Wikipedia

8. The Girl From The Gap

The girl from the gap is a spirit living in gaps (between furnitures, doors or drawers) There are many gaps and cracks in the house. If one day you meet her gaze she will ask you to play hide and seek. The second time you see her eyes in a gap you will be taken to another dimension. (or to Hell)

9. Kiyotaki Tunnel
This tunnel was built in 1927. It's length is 444m (4 being a cursed number, like 13 for western people) This tunnel has been haunted by all the workers who died while building it under harsh work conditions, (like slaves) and those who died in the tunnel because of them. It is said that ghosts can be seen in this tunnel at night, they can even get in your car and scare the shit out of you, leading to an accident. There is a mirror in the tunnel. If you look at it and see a ghost, you will die a horrible death. The length of the tunnel can vary depending on whether you measure it at night or on daytime.

10. Hitobashira
Tales of "human pillars" (hitobashira) - people who were deliberately buried alive inside large-scale construction projects -- have circulated in Japan since ancient times. Most often associated with castles, levees and bridges, these old legends are based on ancient beliefs that a more stable and durable structure could be achieved by sealing people inside the walls or foundation as an offering to the gods.

One of the most famous tales of construction-related human sacrifice is associated with Matsue castle (Shimane prefecture), which was originally built in the 17th century. According to local legend, the stone wall of the central tower collapsed on multiple occasions during construction. Convinced that a human pillar would stabilize the structure, the builders decided to look for a suitable person at the local Bon festival. From the crowd, they selected a beautiful young maiden who demonstrated superb Bon dancing skills. After whisking her away from the festival and sealing her in the wall, the builders were able to complete the castle without incident.

However, the maiden's restless spirit came to haunt the castle after it was completed. According to folklorist Lafcadio Hearn, who described the castle's curse in his 1894 work "Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan," the entire structure would shake anytime a girl danced in the streets of Matsue, so a law had to be passed to prohibit public dancing.

Although there is no conclusive evidence indicating that construction-related human sacrifice was actually practiced in Japan, it has been suggested that some laborers may, on occasion, have been terminated as a security measure after working on castles. Doing so would have prevented knowledge of a castle's secrets and weaknesses from falling into enemy hands.

What among them was the creepiest for you? comment your reactions at the comment box.

Ellen Adarna's Banned Coffee Commercial Video.. Find Out Why!!!

We cannot fathom why commercials like this are getting banned in the TV. Aside from the character who's portraying, Ellen Adarna, the video shows nothing related about nudity nor porn or whatsoever that would make it look unsafe for general audiences. The video is hot as the commercial is supposed to be. But it's not like the Boxing exercise video of Ellen Adarna. Well, this video is hot indeed.

I am not so sure why Ads like this worthy and only has pure publicity is being banned. Anyway, catch the video of Ellen Adarna's Banned Coffee commercial below then share your thoughts about it.

What's your comment? Share it in the comments section below.